About Revelation

"Revelation marries fashion and faith, creating a unique, ethically conscious clothing line in a world often overwhelmed by cynicism. Our goal is more than just providing quality clothing to God’s children around the world but for this company to be an instrument of God. Each garment we craft is designed to inspire, to encourage the wearer to embody their faith boldly, and to spread the good news being Jesus of Nazareth.
We are currently living in perplex time in the world, where the truth is being kept in the dark and overshadowed by worldly distraction and desires. Our mission is to bring that hiding truth into the world by giving Christians a voice, presentation, and another alternative to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to others. Not only are we focusing on the clothing aspect but also planning on finding ways to aid my brothers and sisters struggling with worldly and spiritual struggles. Join us on our mission in brining the real and only truth into the world."